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Illumismart Clip-Art and Visuals

Average Rating3.75
(based on 7 reviews)

My products and teaching styles are quirky and creative with an emphasis on Multiple Learning Styles and diversity. I create educational clip art, visuals, creative study guides and projects.




My products and teaching styles are quirky and creative with an emphasis on Multiple Learning Styles and diversity. I create educational clip art, visuals, creative study guides and projects.
CommUNITY Student Timeline: 22 pc. Clip-Art BW and Color!

CommUNITY Student Timeline: 22 pc. Clip-Art BW and Color!

By request! Grow with CommUNITY character "Jada" as she discovers a love of a science, graduates, and becomes a professional doctor/scientist. Features one character growing through the years and education experience. This 22 piece clip-art set includes 11 stages (various ages) of one character. 11 BW and 11 Color. Images are about 3" by 7", 300 png (some shorter or taller with transparent background. Each image is hand drawn (individually)! There are no recolors. Each illustration is a different character, inspired by realpeople. Characters are named for organization purpose only and names/relationships may be changed. Featured Themes (Includes BW and Color Version) Same Character Baby Toddler Kindergarten First Grade Upper Elementary Middle School High School (Chemistry) Graduate College (Chemistry) Professional College Professor
CommUNITY Classroom Kids BUNDLE: Sets 1 & 2 (64 pc. Clip-Art w/ 4 New Kids!)!)

CommUNITY Classroom Kids BUNDLE: Sets 1 & 2 (64 pc. Clip-Art w/ 4 New Kids!)!)

SAVE by purchasing this Bundle of CommUNITY Classroom Sets 1 and 2! Also, you will get 4 new characters (color and b&w) that are available ONLY in the bundle edition! : ) This 64 piece clip-art set includes 32 diverse characters (upper elementary age). 14 BW and 14 color. Images are about 2" by 7", 300 png with transparent background. 28 kids are from Sets 1 and 2. 4 are new characters.* Each image is hand drawn (individually)! There are no recolors. Each child is a different character, inspired by real school children. This set is intended to: 1. Express diversity in the classroom 2. Express diversity within races 3. Exhibit more distinct hair, facial features, etc. 4. Feature a variety of difference backgrounds. Children in this set are African-American, Native American, Caucasian, Indian, Asian, bi-racial, mixed race, Arab, and Latino/Hispanic 5. Show happy children but give the characters a touch of personality you can use in your own products or classroom activities
Criss Cross Elementary Backs Turned Clip-Art-39 Pieces

Criss Cross Elementary Backs Turned Clip-Art-39 Pieces

There are numerous opportunities for this set that features children sitting criss cross applesauce with their backs turned. This diverse clip-art set features 12 BW with at least 2 Color variations. Clips are 300 dpi pngs. about 3" by 5". Features children sitting on specialized seats. This set features 6 boys and 6 girls with a variety of color variations.
30 Original Emotions... Poems and Pictures! Poem-of-the-Week!

30 Original Emotions... Poems and Pictures! Poem-of-the-Week!

With 30 Original illustrated poems that focus on individual emotions, you can help students understand their feelings and learn empathy for others. This bundle has a variety of functions. Each poem page includes a body language illustration of the topic emotion and a space for students to draw themselves experiencing the same feeling. A simple handout accompanies each poem! Includes end-of-unit project (students write their own emotion poem) and visual examples! BONUS! Includes 10 coloring pages featuring kids expressing emotions in different ways! Great for school counseling or create your own projects with the visuals! This product... Teaches students how to recognize and respond to different emotions with different learning styles(combines poetry, written answers, numbers (rating scale), and art) Works as a Center Activity, Start of Class/Tone-Setting Activity (15-20mins), Full Class Activity (20-45 mins), or 1:1 Activity! (Timing can be adjusted by teacher based on what is appropriate for their student/class). Uses age-appropriate illustrations of diverse children in different poses and showing different expressions Demonstrates how and why others feel the same type of emotions and experiences Offers an opportunity for classroom discussion and sharing Helps students differentiate between similar emotions (depressed/sad shocked/surprised fear/anxiety) Utilizes different learning styles and activates different regions of the brain! (language, art, rhythm etc.) Introduces students (subtly) to different types of poetry (cinquain, limerick, acrostic, haiku, rhyming, non-rhyming) Provides a chance for teachers and counselors to understand how their students experience and handle emotions Uses a visual learning tool that is helpful for ESL,ELL, autism, nonverbal, special education, and school counseling Works for small groups and classrooms This bundle contains: 30 Illustrated Emotions Poems! (happy, overjoyed, proud, silly, sad, depressed, lonely, anxious, stressed, surprised, shocked, scared, excited, embarrassed, disgusted, confused, bored, aggressive stance, passive stance, assertive stance, relaxed, curious, inspired, determined, distracted, hyper, mad, enraged, annoyed, grumpy 1 handout (Side B) to accompany Poem 2 extra work options 1 First Draft (Create-a-Poem) Project Page 1 Final Draft Page Teacher instructions, tips, and examples are provided! 10 Illustrated Coloring Pages (happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, stress, stances, general emotions, determined, distracted)
Christian Doodles Clip-Art: 12 Pieces

Christian Doodles Clip-Art: 12 Pieces

Inspired by teen/tween notebook doodles, this original hand-drawn clip-art collection is available to enhance church, school, homeschool, or commercial products you sell!* All pieces all color, 300 dpi, ranging from 3-6 inches. Includes: Creation Devotion Faith Hope Joy Kindness Love Peace Prayer Renewal Salvation Wisdom
Special Education and Calm Down Visual Resource Kits BUNDLE! For Older Kids!

Special Education and Calm Down Visual Resource Kits BUNDLE! For Older Kids!

17 Resources
SAVE with this combined offer that includes BOTH the Special Education (Autism) and Calm-Down Visual Resource Kits! This deal includes 200 pages/pieces in an extensive collection of illustrated of cards, forms, documents, games, posters, coloring pages, and BONUS clip-art! This bundle is ideal for grades 4-9 (special education) and offers a variety of functions to meet the needs of different of students. With age appropriate visuals (featuring upper elementary, middle school kids, and teens) coping with stressful situations, this resource was designed to make communication clearer for students with learning disabilities, ESL/ELL and language barriers, autism spectrum/nonverbal populations, and beyond. While it was designed with special ed. and school counseling in mind, many of the resources included in this bundle are also a great addition for general classrooms. All images are 300 dpi. png handouts and 2.5" cards in color. Products from the “Special Education” Visual Resource Kit Includes: Classroom Posters (themes include general classroom reminders and expectations, behavior, diversity, anti-bullying, jobs, and daily changes) Coloring (for older students!) and Downtime Activities include coloring pages for older kids, blank bookmarks, blank game, blank rpg cards template, and more!) Student Rewards Cards (with visuals and rewards appropriate for students in upper elementary, middle school, and special ed. high school)! Test Accommodation Cards (discreetly remind students of upcoming tests and accommodations)! Teacher/Student Communication Cards (communicate with students over a variety of issues from break requests to fire drill alerts to behavior redirection) Emotions Cards (teach or communicate emotions using visuals of diverse upper elementary students)! Learning Styles Cards (use visuals to teach students (and staff!) about multiple intelligence theories. Includes Learning Styles scavenger hunt game!) Noise Levels Cards (play a Noise Level matching game or use visuals to demonstrate appropriate times and places for certain noise levels.)! School Supplies Cards (help teach students which supplies they need to be prepared and successful…or double as a teaching tool for ESL and nonverbal students!) Schedule and Subjects Cards (this extensive variety of visual schedule possibilities makes it easier for you and your students to foresee the day’s coming attractions!) Student Advocacy Sheets (help students express and advocate for themselves in organized letters to teachers) Quick Forms and Documents for Special Ed. Teachers (quick editable docs for IEP meeting reminders, teacher feedback requests, sub reports, and more! BONUS! Autism “People and Puzzles” Clip-Art for your own Products!! BONUS! Ninjas" Clip-Art for your own Products!!
Calm Down Visuals Kit BUNDLE for OLDER Students! Cards, Posters,Handouts & MORE!

Calm Down Visuals Kit BUNDLE for OLDER Students! Cards, Posters,Handouts & MORE!

CALM DOWN with this extensive visual kit for older students! With a variety of cards, a illustrated forms/documents, colorful posters, and unique visuals, this Calm Down/ Self Regulation resource kit will make your school life easier and your resource room and more accessible to your students. This kit is ideal for grades 4-9 (special education) and offers a variety of functions to meet the needs of a variety of students. With age appropriate visuals (featuring upper elementary, middle school kids, and teens) coping with stressful situations, this resource was designed to make communication clearer for students with learning disabilities, ESL/ELL and language barriers, autism spectrum/nonverbal populations, and beyond. While it was designed with special ed. and school counseling in mind, many of the resources included in this bundle are also a great addition for general classrooms. This extensive kit includes... (300 dpi. png handouts and 2.5" cards in color). Calm Down Self Advocacy Calm Down Mini Posters Calm Down Coloring Pages Calm Down Handouts Calm Down Cards
Calm Down Student Self Advocacy-Visuals for OLDER Students!

Calm Down Student Self Advocacy-Visuals for OLDER Students!

Help your students understand their regulation choices and advocate for themselves with organized written letters and visuals. These forms (png, 300 dpi.) were designed to make student self-advocacy quick, painless, gentle, and maybe even fun! Help students advocate with BREAK requests, empower them with notes to teachers, and encourage them to share their emotions and alert teachers of the strategies that work for them. Visuals are more appropriate for and feature children from upper elementary, middle school, and early high school.
Calm Down Coloring Pages-Visuals for OLDER Students!

Calm Down Coloring Pages-Visuals for OLDER Students!

Big kids love to color too! While working with middle school students, I noticed that many of them LOVE to color and that there are all sorts of "down-time" or "quiet space" situations that could use some good coloring activities. These coloring pages are specifically designed to remind students of self regulation choices and peaceful thoughts. This set of 20 Coping/Calm Down themed coloring pages for OLDER students will suit your middle school/upper elementary. Pages are 300 dpi. png and feature diverse teens/tweens/upper elementary kids(and Cthulhu!) in various coping strategies and themes.
Calm Down Mini Posters-Visuals for OLDER Students!

Calm Down Mini Posters-Visuals for OLDER Students!

Ideal for special education but also a great fit for general classrooms, autism programs, ESL\ELL, and school counseling for upper elementary and middle school! Great for teaching coping skills! Posters are in color, 8.5" X 11", 300 dpi. and png format. Great for special education teachers and school counselors! Each page features 2 posters (half-page). 14 pages, 24 mini-posters total! T This Set Contains: 24 Behavior Mini-Posters (half -page posters depicting a variety of coping strategies including breaks, tools (fidgets, etc.), seats, counting, self hugs, dots and squeezies, stop and think, yoga, exercise, quiet space, and MORE!). Visual Cards Suggested Use and Tips For extra strength and durability, it is highly recommended that cards are laminated or glued to card stock. *redirect and remind students, for example, "what does the poster say?" "Check out the poster!" "What can you do to cope?" *keep a visual presence of self regulation options in the classroom * visually communicate with and teach nonverbal, struggling readers, some special ed. populations, and ESL/ELL students. *create your own games and classroom activities. * remind students about what coping options look like Check out the variety of "Calm Down" visual products from Illumismart! Calm Down Student Self Advocacy Calm Down Mini Posters Calm Down Coloring Pages Calm Down Handouts Calm Down Cards
Calm Down Handouts and Checklists-Visuals for OLDER Students!

Calm Down Handouts and Checklists-Visuals for OLDER Students!

Pictures for Older Students! Make coping and self regulation easier for students to understand with handouts they can COLOR! Images feature diverse students using a variety of coping strategies (yoga, breaks, tools, fidgets, activities) from upper elementary, middle school, and teens. Cards are in color on pngs. 300 dpi. (6 Cards/page). Individual card size is about 2.5" by 2.5". Great for special education teachers and school counselors! This Set Contains: 8 "Checklist" style handouts featuring 4 Calm Down Options for Students to Color: Things Places Strategies Activities-Active Activities-Quiet Seats Stop and Think Breaks Side A and B Handout (24 Calm Down Options Black and White) Side A and B Handout (24 Calm Down Options COLOR ideal for laminating)
Autism Visual Resource Kit! Over 300 Pieces! (Cards, Posters, Bonus Clip-Art!)

Autism Visual Resource Kit! Over 300 Pieces! (Cards, Posters, Bonus Clip-Art!)

11 Resources
With over 300 cards, colorful posters, coloring pages, and unique visuals, this Autism Visual Resource Kit will make your school life easier and your resource room brighter, bolder, and more accessible to your students. With years in the making, this kit is the culmination of my days spent assisting special education teachers and with populations on the autism spectrum. I decided it was time to develop a professional version of the same requests and visuals that impressed teachers, pleased parents, and delighted students. This kit is ideal for grades 4-9 (special education) and offers a variety of functions to meet the needs of a variety of students. With age appropriate visuals (featuring upper elementary, middle school kids, and teens), this resource was designed to make communication clearer for students with learning disabilities, ESL/ELL and language barriers, autism spectrum/nonverbal populations, and beyond. While it was designed with special ed./autism and school counseling in mind, many of the resources included in this bundle are also a great addition for general classrooms. This extensive kit includes... (300 dpi. png handouts and 2.5" cards in color). Classroom Posters (themes include general classroom reminders and expectations, behavior, diversity, anti-bullying, jobs, and daily changes) Coloring (for older students!) and Downtime Activities include coloring pages for older kids, blank bookmarks, blank game, blank rpg cards template, and more!) Student Rewards Cards (with visuals and rewards appropriate for students in upper elementary, middle school, and special ed. high school)! Test Accommodation Cards (discreetly remind students of upcoming tests and accommodations)! Teacher/Student Communication Cards (communicate with students over a variety of issues from break requests to fire drill alerts to behavior redirection) Emotions Cards (teach or communicate emotions using visuals of diverse upper elementary students)! Learning Styles Cards (use visuals to teach students (and staff!) about multiple intelligence theories. Includes Learning Styles scavenger hunt game!) Noise Levels Cards (play a Noise Level matching game or use visuals to demonstrate appropriate times and places for certain noise levels.)! School Supplies Cards (help teach students which supplies they need to be prepared and successful...or double as a teaching tool for ESL and nonverbal students!) Schedule and Subjects Cards (this extensive variety of visual schedule possibilities makes it easier for you and your students to foresee the day's coming attractions!) BONUS! Autism "People and Puzzles" Clip-Art for your own Products!!
Special Education Visual Resource BUNDLE!130 Ct. Posters, Cards, Activities & More!

Special Education Visual Resource BUNDLE!130 Ct. Posters, Cards, Activities & More!

10 Resources
With over 300 cards, a variety of forms/documents, colorful posters, and unique visuals, this special education resource kit will make your school life easier and your resource room brighter, bolder, and more accessible to your students. With years in the making, this kit is the culmination of my days spent assisting special education teachers. I decided it was time to develop a professional version of the same requests and visuals that impressed teachers, pleased parents, and delighted students. This kit is ideal for grades 4-9 (special education) and offers a variety of functions to meet the needs of a variety of students. With age appropriate visuals (featuring upper elementary, middle school kids, and teens), this resource was designed to make communication clearer for students with learning disabilities, ESL/ELL and language barriers, autism spectrum/nonverbal populations, and beyond. While it was designed with special ed. and school counseling in mind, many of the resources included in this bundle are also a great addition for general classrooms. This extensive kit includes... (300 dpi. png handouts and 2.5" cards in color). Quick Forms and Documents for Special Ed. Teachers (quick editable docs for IEP meeting reminders, teacher feedback requests, sub reports, and more!) Student Advocacy Sheets (help students express and advocate for themselves in organized letters to teachers) Classroom Posters (themes include general classroom reminders & expectations, behavior, diversity, anti-bullying, jobs, and daily changes) Coloring (for older students!) and Downtime Activities include coloring pages for older kids, blank bookmarks, blank game, blank rpg cards template, and more!) Student Rewards Cards (with visuals and rewards appropriate for students in upper elementary, middle school, and special ed. high school) Test Accommodation Cards (discreetly remind students of upcoming tests and accommodations) Teacher/Student Communication Cards (communicate with students over a variety of issues from break requests to fire drill alerts to behavior redirection) Emotions Cards (teach or communicate emotions using visuals of diverse upper elementary students) Learning Styles Cards (use visuals to teach students (and staff!) about multiple intelligence theories. Includes Learning Styles scavenger hunt game!) Noise Levels Cards (play a Noise Level matching game or use visuals to demonstrate appropriate times and places for certain noise levels.) School Supplies Cards (help teach students which supplies they need to be prepared and successful...or double as a teaching tool for ESL and nonverbal students!) Schedule and Subjects Cards (this extensive variety of visual schedule possibilities makes it easier for you and your students to foresee the day's coming attractions!) Narwhal Notes-Make Reading Notes easier for students with these handy and narwhal-y visual guides! BONUS! Ninja Clip-Art. Because being a ninja is a prerequisite for all special education teachers!
Yoga and Exercise ClipArt! 18 Pieces BW/Color

Yoga and Exercise ClipArt! 18 Pieces BW/Color

Prepare your students with effective mind and body stategies with 18 Clip-Art pieces! (9 BW/9 Color) Features yoga, exercise, and stretching! This set is great for health teachers, physical education, and counseling! Fun and diverse clip art!
Emotions Cards Visual Resource (14 Pages, 168 Cards!)

Emotions Cards Visual Resource (14 Pages, 168 Cards!)

Everyone has feelings, but these unique and lively cards will help make it easier for your students to interpret, identify, manage, and understand. While these cards were designed with autistic/special ed. populations in mind, there are many ways they can be used! Cards are in color on pngs. 300 dpi. (12 Cards/page). Individual card size is about 2.5" by 2.5". Visuals feature children from about 3rd to 6th grade. Great for special education teachers and school counselors! This set contains: 32 Portrait Style Cards (with emotion identified) 32 Full Body/Body Language Style Cards (with emotion identified) 32 Portrait Style Cards NO TEXT 32 Full Body/Body Language Style Cards NO TEXT 32 Text Cards with Emotion Names 6 Sorting Cards (to categorize emotions by happy, sad, etc.) 2 Prompt Cards (Today I feel.... I want to feel...) Suggested Use: *to teach and identify emotions in 1:1 or small group settings (great for school counselors!) *play a matching game *spread out and ask a student how they are feeling *ESL/ELL/foriegn language flash cards. *give to students so they can keep them in their backpack/binder and place a card on their desk/hand it to you to show how they are currently feeling without speaking or disrupting a lesson. *print for projects, collages,and your own activities. *create your own games and classroom projects.
Say NO! to Drugs! Anti-Drug Clip-Art! 95 Pieces-BW and Color!

Say NO! to Drugs! Anti-Drug Clip-Art! 95 Pieces-BW and Color!

Prepare for Drug Awareness discussions with diverse age-appropriate visuals that speak to tween and teen students. This extensive value set includes 45 Color pictures and 45 BW images. Some recolors and alternate color versions are also included. Images are 300 dpi and range from 2" to 10" in png format. Some images may be sad or disturbing. This is due to the fact that I believe this issue should not be sugar-coated and the reality needs to be expressed in visuals that ALL students can understand. Themes include: Consequences (arrested, car crash, death, bad grades etc.) Grieving parents, grieving friends, grieving child Peer Pressure Situations Say NO! themes Student Protest against Drugs Various Drugs (alcohol, cigarette, marijuana, cocaine, pills) Prevention Themes (Parents talking, friends talking, tell teacher, walking away, etc.) Future Themes (graduation, school, family) Symptoms (feelings sick, dizziness, tired, memory loss) BONUS Images (selected from other sets and NOT figured into the overall value include) pills.medication variety, talking to teacher, medication given by professional adult (proper use), school, graduation, friends talking, tired student, sick student1
FREE Emotions CommUNITY Clip-Art FREEBIE Sampler 8 Pieces BW/Color

FREE Emotions CommUNITY Clip-Art FREEBIE Sampler 8 Pieces BW/Color

FREE EMOTIONS SAMPLER! Everyone has feelings, but you can make them easier for students to manage, identify, and understand with this unique product. (Use them in your resources as well!) This fabulous clip-art set features 4 bw/4 Color emotions. Clips are 300 dpi pngs. about 3" by 5". This set is designed so buyers can determine if they prefer portrait style OR full body style if they plan to buy more Illumismart Emotions Clip-art. Check out my other Emotions Clip-Art featuring 24 full body and 24 portrait style emotions! Featured Emotions- This set features four sample EMOTIONS confused disgusted embarrassed (portrait style) bored (portrait style)
Calm Down Self Regulations Clip-Art-Visuals for OLDER Students! 56 Pieces!

Calm Down Self Regulations Clip-Art-Visuals for OLDER Students! 56 Pieces!

Prepare your students for coping, self regulation, and calm down choices with 56 Clip-Art themes! (28 BW/28 Color) From yoga to dots n' squeezies to simply getting a drink of water-these hard-to-find themes are perfect for upper elementary, tweens, and teens! Great diversity and variety! This extensive value set includes 28 Color pictures and 28 BW images. Images are 300 dpi and range from 2" to 10" in png format. Themes include: Breathe In Breathe Out Count to Ten Do Dots Do Squeezies Draw Exercise Get Drink Have Snack Listen to Music (2) Puzzle Quiet Space Read Relax Self Hugs Sit in Chair Stop and Think Naps (2) Talk to Teacher Use Technology Visualize Yoga (4)
Emotions CommUNITY Full AND Portraits Styles Clip-Art BUNDLE-108 Pieces BW/Color

Emotions CommUNITY Full AND Portraits Styles Clip-Art BUNDLE-108 Pieces BW/Color

EMOTIONS-By teacher Request! Everyone has feelings, but you can make them easier for students to manage, identify, and understand with this unique product. (Use them in your resources as well!) This fabulous clip-art set features 54 bw/54 Color (Full Body AND Portrait) emotions. Clips are 300 dpi pngs. about 3" by 5" Great for products, projects, and resources for older kids (upper elementary and middle grade!)_= Featured Emotions-in BOTH portrait AND full body (body language) styles! NOTE: Both Portraits and Fulls are the same characters/images, just different styles (full body and torso/head). This set features MAD (based) EMOTIONS mad grumpy annoyed enraged This set features HAPPY (based) EMOTIONS) happy overjoyed silly proud anonymous This set features SAD (based) EMOTIONS sad depressed anxious stressed This set features SURPRISED (based) EMOTIONS surprised excited shocked scared This set features four STANCES calm passive assertive aggressive This set features seven CONDITIONS hot cold hungry tired sick fidgety hyper This set features four sample EMOTIONS confused disgusted embarrassed (portrait style) bored (portrait style)